A great share of today’s computer systems, including most embedded and microcontroller (MCU) systems and an increasing number of desktops and servers, run a processor based on ARM architectures. Securing these systems against runtime attacks that exploit common software vulnerabilities poses great challenges; effective mitigations usually incur prohibitive overhead, while practical defenses typically only provide less-than-ideal security guarantees.

This dissertation makes four contributions to low-cost security policy enforcement for ARM-based systems. First, we develop a novel compiler-based intra-address space isolation technique and use it to efficiently enforce return address integrity for bare-metal embedded applications running on ARM-based MCUs. Second, we leverage ARM’s hardware debugging facilities to enforce execute-only memory with negligible overhead. Third, utilizing the execute-only memory we developed and combining compiler- and hardware-based techniques, we measurably strengthen layout randomization defenses on ARM-based MCUs to effectively and efficiently resist leakage-equipped attacks and their brute force variants. Lastly, we extend hardware-assisted write-protected shadow stacks to AArch64 (64-bit ARM) user-space applications, using a novel combination of commonly available AArch64 hardware features, operating system kernel modifications, and compiler transformations.
